The Gospel According to Alain

21 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
28.6.2023, 19:00

The Gospel According to Alain

21 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
28.6.2023, 19:00
A journey following a belief beginning with stars and ending in the Kibbutz. For over a decade, Alain left everything to live a spiritual life in Germany. One day he returned home. The creator getting closer to the grandpa she never had, asks him to look at who left behind. A fragile relation is being made between family and belief.
Director: Yarden Malka Bonet
Cinematography: Ella Dagan
Production: Barak Stern
Cast: Alain Bonet, Michaella Bonet
Editor: Yarden Malka Bonet
Screenwriter: Yarden Malka Bonet
School: Minshar School Of Art
Year: 2023