I’m Good

16 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
28.6.2023, 19:00

I’m Good

16 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
28.6.2023, 19:00

After discovering a poem I wrote when I was 9 years old, I return to Kiryat Ono, my hometown, and call up past acquaintances, in hope to ease my conscience and revive old relationships.

Director: Maya Schiff
Cinematography: Maya Schiff
Production: Maya Schiff
Cast: Gilad Ben Ami, Roni Koren, Yiftach Tabib
Editor: Maya Schiff
Screenwriter: Maya Schiff
School: School of Visual Theatre
Music Composer: טובה גרטנר
Year: 2023