Producers’ Talk with Ram Bergman

Producers’ Talk with Ram Bergman
An intimate conversation between Ram Bergman and Maya Fisher about creative production in the international market.
Ram Bergman, the producer behind the hits "Knives Out", "Poker Face", "Star Wars" and more, in a unique intimate conversation about the creative producer's work with Maya Fischer (“Saving Shuli”, “Cinema Sabaya”), producer, director and Head of Film & TV at Green Productions.
Whether it's fundraising or finding the right team for a project, a producer has many roles ranging from practical to creative. His work does not only take care of the logistics and the establishment of the cinematic operation but also its emotional nature. In the conversation, they will share with us from their point of view the process and the various choices involved, from the selection of the project to its distribution, and the creative role of the producer in the cinematic work.
The panel will be held in English.