We Need to Talk

18 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
26.6.2023, 18:15

We Need to Talk

18 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
26.6.2023, 18:15

Aya is young, sensitive and very much in love.  Love, in fact, is her essence. When she realizes that her boyfriend is about to break up with her, she runs away in a desperate attempt to hide from the inevitable.

Director: Tal Comay
Cinematography: Fábio Zilberman Iuchno
Production: Jenya Malei
Cast: Inbal Bar-lev, Itamar Tenenboim, Karin Tepper, Asaf Pinchassi
Editor: Yaniv Lavi
Screenwriter: Tal Comay
School: The Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film And Television School
Year: 2022