The Boy

25 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
29.6.2023, 17:30

The Boy

25 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
29.6.2023, 17:30

Avinoam and Barak, father and son from a Kibbutz bordering the Gaza strip, are forced to deal with another round of rockets and combat, each in their own way. One night, Barak reaches a boiling point and Avinoam is forced to absorb the heat.

Director: Yahav Winner
Cinematography: Ben Peled
Production: Yahav Winner
Cast: Yoram Toledano, Nimrod Peleg
Editor: Shaylee Atary
Screenwriter: Yahav Winner
School: Minshar School of Art Tel Aviv, Israel
Year: 2022