Sderot Tatiana

10 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
27.6.2023, 21:30

Sderot Tatiana

10 Minutes Israel
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 1
27.6.2023, 21:30

A dance film starring Tatiana, a 74-year-old resident of Sderot who immigrated from Moscow. She is neither an actor nor a dancer, and she goes to the market twice a week, carrying the heavy grocery bags alone. The film illustrates her fantasy to be free.

Director: Eirad Ben gal
Cinematography: Ella Dagan
Production: Amit Erell
Cast: Tatiana Perple
Editor: Shani Beradt
Screenwriter: Eirad Ben gal
Sound Design: Liav Bitan
Year: 2022