114 Minutes
114 Minutes
United Kingdom
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 4
16.6.2022, 20:00

114 Minutes
United Kingdom
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 4
16.6.2022, 20:00
Toronto International Film Festival 2017, Tribeca 2018.
Ronit flies back home to London, following the news of the death of her father, the Rabbi of an Orthodox community. She left because of her intimate relationship with Esti, her friend, but now, seeing her again reignites repressed feelings. Sebastián Lelio reexamines the borders between sexual liberalism and conformist community. He places his narrative in the Orthodox community, and avoids kitsch or voyeurism; the result is a perfect appearance from his actors, a combination between daring and restraint.
Disobedience – Tribute to Sebastián Lelio
Director: Sebastián Lelio
Cinematography: Danny Cohen
Production: Ed Guiney, Frida Torresblanco, Rachel Weisz
Cast: Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams, Alessandro Nivola, Anton Lesser
Editor: Nathan Nugent
Screenwriter: Sebastián Lelio, Rebecca Lenkiewicz
Year: 2017