The world’s most prestigious selection of student films, the Cinéfondation, was founded in 1998 as part of the Cannes Film Festival with the goal of discovering young talent. Every year, fifteen to twenty films are carefully selected from over 2600 candidates from film schools throughout the world. The Cinéfondation selection provides a platform for students who were recognized as being extremely promising, with the hope that they continue to create original and innovative work in the future. These are students that have created cinema that is courageous, different and unique among the student films produced by their peers over the past year all over the globe. This is a one-time opportunity to view several films presented at the Cinéfondation Selection during the recent Cannes Film Festival in May 2017.
First Screening – June 22nd, Thursday, Theater 5 at 16:00
Second Screening – June 23rd, Friday, Theater 2 at 16:00